Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sam - born June 25, 2010

Welcome Sam, born 6 weeks early on June 25, 2010, weighing in at a healthy 5lbs. 8 ozs.

Cabin No. 4 - Chataway

No electricity, no running water, no toilet - propane for cooking and wood stove for heating, and the mosquitos were biting like crazy! Unfortunately, the pine beetle has done a "job" on the surrounding forest as seen in the grey tree stumps.

Chataway Lakes

The first "bite" - brook trout - caught about 8 (had to throw 4 back though - bit too small)
Outside the cabin - trying to keep the mosquitos away!

Friday, July 2, 2010


Fishing trip to Chatway Lakes (end of June/10)
Pictures taken on Chataway Lake showing the damage of the pine beetle to the trees is now very evident.